Bylaws (Starship Regulations)

Version 2.0 | January 2025
Adopted: Stardate 20250205
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A Chapter of STARFLEET, the International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc.

Table of Contents

I. Name and Purpose.

  1. Official Name and Location. This document establishes the bylaws (colloquially called the “Starship Regulations”) for the USS WHITE SANDS, a chapter of STARFLEET, the International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. with a home port in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
  2. Mission. The mission of the USS White Sands is to provide a platform for Star Trek enthusiasts to connect, engage in social activities, and participate in events within the structure of SFI.
  3. Supremacy of SFI Governing Documents. The USS White Sands, as a chartered chapter of SFI, is subject to and governed by the Constitution, Membership Handbook, Bylaws, and other official publications of SFI. In the event of any inconsistency between these bylaws and SFI’s governing documents, the latter shall prevail. The chapter also reserves the right to be more restrictive than SFI.
  4. Effective Date. The effective date of these Bylaws shall be April 1, 2025.

II. Definitions

  1. Chapter. The smallest division of STARFLEET, a local group of SFI members organized into a “ship.” The USS White Sands is a chapter of SFI.
  2. Chief of the Boat (COB). The Senior Enlisted member of the USS White Sands. The COB may be a non-SFI member but would not have a vote on the Command Staff for SFI matters. The COB has the right to vote on matters that affect only the USS White Sands and advises the Command Staff on all other matters related to Enlisted Members. See also Enlisted Members.
  3. Command Staff (CS). The governing body of the USS White Sands, consisting of the Commanding Officer, the Executive Officer, and the Department Heads.
  4. Commanding Officer (CO). The president, chief representative, and chief administrator of the USS White Sands. See also Command Staff.
  5. Crew. A collective term for the members of the USS White Sands.
  6. Crewmember. An individual member of the USS White Sands.
  7. Department. A division within the ship responsible for specific areas/tasks to maintain efficient operation. Additional Departments may be added as needed. See also Department Head; Section.
  8. Department Head. The appointed leader of a Department, responsible for representing their Department and its sections to the Command Staff and for setting and implementing policy for the ship. See also Department; Section; Command Staff.
  9. Executive Committee and Admiralty Board (EC/AB). The governing body of STARFLEET.  This is the leadership of SFI.
  10. Enlisted Members. Individual members of the USS White Sands crew who have not taken SFI’s Officer Training School (OTS) course. Enlisted crew can be SFI members or non-members. All new USS White Sands crewmembers start as Enlisted Members. See also Chief of the Boat.
  11. Executive Officer (XO). The vice-president of the USS White Sands, ready to act in the Commanding Officer’s absence. See also Command Staff.
  12. Rank. Fictitious designations reflecting a crewmember’s accomplishments and service to the USS White Sands and SFI.
  13. Region. A geographical organizational division within SFI that represents the chapter to STARFLEET Command.
  14. Section. A division within a Department. Represented to the Command Staff by a Department Head. A section is an organizational unit but may also serve as a committee for club activities. See also Department; Department Head.
  15. STARFLEET Fandom Academy. The educational arm of STARFLEET, offering courses in various disciplines, including those that qualify crewmembers for chapter command positions.
  16. STARFLEET, the International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. (STARFLEET, SFI). The parent organization of the USS White Sands. See also Chapter; Executive Committee and Admiralty Board (EC/AB); Region; STARFLEET Fandom Academy.

III. Membership

  1. Eligibility. All persons are welcome at USS White Sands events. Children under 18 and individuals requiring legal guardianship must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  2. Joining. . To become a member of the USS White Sands, an individual must declare their intent to join. Frequent participants will be encouraged to join SFI. If local chapter dues are established, they must be paid to maintain membership.
  3. Membership Categories, Rights, and Responsibilities:
    1. Non-SFI Members. Individuals who join the USS White Sands but not SFI may participate in local chapter activities and hold enlisted ranks up to Chief Warrant Officer 4. They may vote on matters concerning the USS White Sands only. They are represented by the Chief of the Boat to the Command Staff.
    2. SFI Members. Individuals who are members in good standing of both the USS White Sands and SFI have full voting rights on all chapter matters and are eligible for all ranks granted by the chapter.
    3. Department Affiliation. All members may request to join a department with the approval of the Department Head.
  4. Termination and Suspension of Membership:
    1. Procedure. Membership may be terminated or suspended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Command Staff, provided there is a quorum. The action takes effect immediately.
    2. Grounds for Termination or Suspension. The CS can terminate or suspend membership for any reason they deem appropriate, including, but not limited to, disruptive behavior; violation of these Bylaws, the Membership Handbook, or SFI policies and procedures; and actions detrimental to the chapter’s reputation
  5. Reinstatement. Former members who wish to rejoin must petition the Command Staff. Reinstatement requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the CS, provided there is a quorum.
  6. Fictional Ranks. The USS White Sands uses fictional ranks to recognize members’ contributions and service. These ranks have no real-world authority.
    1. Local Ranks. The USS White Sands Command Staff may grant ranks up to and including Commander/Lieutenant Colonel.
    2. SFI Ranks. Ranks above Commander/Lieutenant Colonel may only be granted by STARFLEET Command.
    3. Rank Limitations for Non-SFI Members. Non-SFI members may hold enlisted ranks up to Chief Warrant Officer 4.

IV. Leadership and Governance

  1. Commanding Officer (CO). The Commanding Officer serves as the President (colloquially called the “Captain”) of the USS White Sands.
    1. Selection. The CO is selected by a popular vote of the crew in December of every odd-numbered year or upon a vacancy. Elections are administered as described in section 4.5.
    2. Qualifications. Candidates must:
      1. Be a full member of STARFLEET;
      2. Be at least 21 years old;
      3. Have completed the STARFLEET Fandom Academy Officer Training School (OTS) and Officer’s Command College (OCC) courses (or complete them within 30 days of election).
    3. Duties. The CO serves as the president and chief administrator of the USS White Sands, representing the chapter to the Region, SFI, and external organizations. The CO has the authority to make decisions regarding chapter operations but can be overruled by the Command Staff or SFI regulations.
    4. Term. The CO serves a two-year term, beginning on the first day of each even-numbered year and ending on the last day of each odd-numbered year.
    5. Removal From Office. The CO may be removed by a Vote of No Confidence (see 4.6).
  2. Executive Officer (XO). The Executive Officer serves as the Vice-President of the USS White Sands.
    1. Selection. The XO is selected by a popular vote of the crew in December of every odd-numbered year or upon a vacancy. Elections are administered as described in section 4.5.
    2. Qualifications. The qualifications for XO are the same as for CO (see 4.1.2).
    3. Duties. The XO assists the CO and assumes the CO’s responsibilities when the CO is unavailable or delegates authority.
    4. Term. The XO serves a two-year term, concurrent with the CO’s term (see 4.1.4).
    5. Removal From Office. The XO may be removed by a Vote of No Confidence (see 4.6).
  3. Department Heads. The crew shall be divided into Departments, each with a Department Head. Departments may be added or removed by majority vote of the Command Staff at any time.
    1. Appointment and Term. Department Heads are appointed by the CO and confirmed by a majority vote of the Command Staff. They serve a two-year term, concurrent with the CO’s term (see 4.1.4).
    2. Qualifications. Department Heads must be Commissioned Officers (OTS graduates) or become commissioned within 60 days of appointment, except for the Chief of the Boat, who must be an enlisted member.
    3. Responsibilities. Department Heads represent their departments to the Command Staff, provide regular reports to the XO, and may recommend the creation or removal of sections within their departments and appoint Section Chiefs, subject to Command Staff approval.
    4. Removal From Office. Department Heads may be removed by a majority vote of the Command Staff, provided there is a quorum.
  4. Command Staff (CS). The Command Staff shall be the governing body of the USS White Sands.
    1. Composition. The CS consists of the CO, XO, and the Department Heads.
    2. Decision-making. Each Department Head has one vote. The CO votes only to break ties. The COB votes only on matters pertaining solely to the USS White Sands; on SFI matters, the COB serves in an advisory capacity to the CS regarding the needs of enlisted members.
    3. Quorum. A quorum of 60% of the current CS is required for valid votes, except for confirming the new CS after biennial elections.
  5. Administration for Elections, Votes of Confidence. Elections and Votes of Confidence are administered in the following order:
    1. The outgoing CO (unless unavailable, removed by a vote of no confidence, a candidate in the current election, or subject to the current Vote of Confidence);
    2. The current XO (unless unavailable, removed by a Vote of No Confidence, a candidate in the current election, or subject to the current Vote of Confidence);
    3. The most senior non-candidate member of the Command Staff.
  6. Votes of Confidence.
    1. Timing. Votes of Confidence for the CO and XO are held in December of every even-numbered year and may be called at any time by a member of the Command Staff.
    2. Administration. Votes of Confidence are administered as described in section 4.5 (the “Administrator”). The officer subject to the Vote should not present during discussions or voting so the crew can voice their concerns openly.
    3. Proxies. Members unable to attend may designate a Command Staff member as a proxy by written notification to the Administrator and proxy, specifying their vote.
    4. Balloting. Ballots should include space for written concerns. Only crewmembers in good standing with STARFLEET and the USS White Sands may participate in a Vote of Confidence.
    5. Counting and Results. The Administrator tallies the votes, communicates any written concerns, and informs the officer of the results. The officer may see the tally but not the original ballots.
    6. Handling a Vote of No Confidence. If the officer loses the vote, a new election for that office is held within a reasonable timeframe. If the CO is removed, the XO becomes acting CO; if the XO is removed, the CO appoints an acting XO.
    7. Handling a Vote of Dissatisfaction (Tie). A tied Vote of Confidence triggers another Vote in two months. A second tie triggers a third Vote two months later. A third tie is considered a Vote of No Confidence.
  7. Amendments to the Bylaws. Any member may propose amendments in writing to their Department Head, the XO, or the CO. The Command Staff votes on the proposal after at least one month of publication and crew review. A majority vote of the Command Staff is required for approval. Each Department Head represents their department’s views. The CO votes only to break ties.

V. Finances

  1. Club Funds.
    1. Definition. Club Funds are defined as any monies collected by, or donated to, the chapter specifically for chapter expenses. These may include, but are not limited to, dues assessed by the chapter and/or fundraising events.
    2. Spending. No member, including the CO, may spend club funds without a majority vote of the Command Staff.
    3. Bank Account. If dues are collected, the CO will open a bank account specifically for club funds, as required by SFI regulations.
    4. Temporary Funds. Funds collected for specific, short-term activities (e.g., group ticket purchases) are not considered Club Funds and do not require a separate bank account.
  2. Spending Authority and Record Keeping.
    1. Withdrawals. Any withdrawal of Club Funds requires the approval of the CO and at least one other member of the CS.
    2. Financial Records. The CO must maintain accurate records of all income and expenditures and make these records available for review by any member upon request. The Command Staff must verify all expenditures.
  3. Dues.
    1. Current Status. As of the adoption of these bylaws, no dues are required for membership.
    2. Establishing or Changing Dues. The Command Staff (CS) may vote establish or change dues by a majority vote with a quorum present. If the CS votes to establish dues, the proposed change must be announced to the chapter via the primary communication method and included on the agenda for the next regular meeting. A simple majority vote of the members present at that meeting is required for implementation.
    3. Removing Dues. The CS may remove existing dues by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote with a quorum present.
    4. Dues Exemptions. The CS may grant dues exemptions to individual members facing extenuating financial circumstances. A written request explaining the situation must be submitted to the CS. The exemption requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the CS, provided there is a quorum.

VI. General Conduct and Policies (“General Orders”)

  1. General Order 1. The primary objective of the USS White Sands is to provide a positive and enjoyable experience for its members. The Command Staff (CS) is responsible for ensuring that chapter activities and environments facilitate this objective.
  2. General Order 2. While members are encouraged to follow established communication channels, the Commanding Officer (CO) and Executive Officer (XO) will make reasonable efforts to be available to address member questions, resolve disputes, and provide assistance as needed.
  3. General Order 3. The USS White Sands adheres to a policy of non-discrimination based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or national/planetary origin. This policy aligns with the non-discrimination policies of STARFLEET.
  4. General Order 4. Members are expected to treat each other with respect and courtesy. Disagreements about fandom preferences are acceptable, but personal attacks, harassment, or disparaging remarks are prohibited. Constructive discussions are encouraged.
  5. General Order 5. All chapter activities will comply with applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, and health and safety regulations. Members will also respect the rules and regulations of any venues or establishments used for chapter activities.
  6. General Order 6. All members are subject to these policies. Concerns regarding violations should be reported to the CO or XO. If the CO or XO is the subject of the complaint, it should be reported to the next highest-ranking member of the Command Staff. All complaints will be taken seriously and addressed appropriately. If necessary, unresolved issues will be escalated to Regional Leadership within SFI.

Major changes

Aside from the changes to formatting and the word choice, there are only a few major changes.

  • 1.3: While SFI documents allow chapters to tighten requirements for things like the CO and XO roles, our Bylaws now specifically state that we reserve the right to do so. In our case, the CO and XO age requirement was increased to 21.
  • 1.4: The Effective Date has been added to the body of the document rather than being a note at the top.
  • 3.4: Suspensions were not originally listed as a disciplinary measure, so they were added here. Also included were some reasons that could lead to disciplinary actions, which were not included before.
  • 5.3: The process to start requiring dues was moved from the Handbook to the Bylaws. There also was no established process to remove or modify dues after they were instated, so those were also created. Note: There are no current plans to require local dues. These processes were added just in case they were ever needed.