Welcome to the USS White Sands, where the cosmos beckons and adventure awaits! Are you ready to embark on a journey of exploration, camaraderie, and service to the community? If the answer is a resounding “yes,” then you’ve found your ship!

Why Join Us?
The USS White Sands is more than just a fan club – we’re a diverse and passionate community of sci-fi enthusiasts united under the STARFLEET banner. Our crew members, hailing from all corners of New Mexico, share a common love for Star Trek and beyond. Whether you’re a Trekkie, Whovian, Imperial Stormtrooper or Jedi Rebel, Alien aficionado, Transformer fan, arcade gamer, NASA enthusiast, or just a lover of all things Sci-Fi, you’re welcome aboard!
Our Crew’s Tapestry
Our crew is a vibrant tapestry of individuals who come together to celebrate their fandom, revel in the camaraderie of like-minded people, and, of course, have a blast exploring the universe of Star Trek and Sci-Fi. We hold monthly meetings, away missions, attend conventions, and engage in a variety of activities that cater to the diverse interests of our members.
Distant Starship Mates
Not in the primary Albuquerque/Rio Rancho metro area? No problem! Join us virtually via Zoom for meetings and suggest activities in your area. You might just find a fellow shipmate nearby, ready to share in the excitement of the final frontier.
Becoming a Member
Membership is open to all who wish to participate in ship activities, regardless of STARFLEET (SFI) affiliation. If you find yourself regularly attending more than half the ship’s activities in a 6-month period, we encourage you to consider official membership with STARFLEET at SFI.org and become an esteemed member of the USS White Sands. The process is as simple as clicking the “Join Us” link and beginning your journey with us!
Ready to set your course for adventure? Join the USS White Sands today and become part of a crew that explores the stars, forges friendships, and shapes a better future inspired by the legacy of Star Trek. Engage with us, and let the journey begin!
Open Positions
Our ship is dynamic and growing, and we have exciting opportunities for you to contribute to our voyage. Check out our open position for Chief of the Boat — the heart of our crew, ensuring smooth operations on board and during away missions. Could it be you?
USS White Sands Command Staff
Laurie was specifically sought out to be the first Captain of the USS White Sands. Her desire and willingness to guide the ship forward is represented in her ability to get things done, the time she has available for ship duties, and her passion for STARFLEET. She has held many different positions from Ship’s Counselor (2005), XO, and CO to being the current Regional Coordinator for Region 17 (2022-24) (http://region17.org/regional-staff). She represents the USS White Sands and Region 17 in the very best ways.
Gene joined STARFLEET in 2022 and has been busy coordinating the USS White Sands communications. His knowledge of websites has been instrumental in this website.
Jared enjoys conversations with the crew members and happily drives the crew to events. He tells "dad jokes" and has his own unique sense of science humor. He's the CO's husband.
Mike always has a smile and a laugh. As a long-time actor, he knows drama and has agreed with the CO that the only drama aboard the USS White Sands will be in the plays they might be involved in.
Troy is always on the lookout for away mission ideas. He has organized tables at conventions, trips to sites like the Trinity Site and Roswell UFO Fest. His experience comes from the USS Haven, USS Anasazi, Albuquerque Science Fiction Society Moderator. New Mexico Mensa Testing Director and Albuquerque’s Bubonicon.
Dee joined STARFLEET in 2010 and has been applying her graphic arts skills to the White Sands. As a new ship, prop development and ships resources are being built and the Chief Engineer keeps busy.
Artist & creator of the USS White Sands Seal. Marsha is a devoted artist. She has taken on the position of Chief Science Officer and works diligently at organizing the USS White Sands’ charitable endeavors.
Joined Starfleet:
Bio needed
Elene joined STARFLEET in 2022. She has taken to welcoming new members of the White Sands to the group as well as recruiting for the ship.
Jordan is a recent addition to the USS White Sands crew and has already volunteered to be the Chief of Communications. In that time, she has taken over several duties and has done well in her new role.
Duties: Helps wrangle the crew on away missions, helps maintain good order on the ship, POC for enlisted personnel issues.