Captain’s Log, Stardate 20250111.13

The USS White Sands held its regular meeting today. Communications reported a need for newsletter contributions from all departments. Engineering, Conn, Tactical, and Counseling reported no new developments. Medical remains vacant this month. Any crew members interested in serving as our Medical Officer should contact the Commanding or Executive Officer. Ops directed any questions regarding …

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Captain’s Log, Stardate 20241005.13

The USS White Sands convened today for its monthly meeting. Communications requested newsletter submissions from all departments. Engineering, Conn, Tactical, and Counseling reported no new developments. The Medical Officer position became vacant this month. Ops reported their report will be available on the ship’s Facebook page later today. Upcoming events include the Holiday Party/Meeting on …

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Captain’s Log, Stardate 20240914.13

Today, the USS White Sands held a regular meeting to discuss our ongoing projects and future plans. While there were no significant updates from the Communications, Medical, or Tactical/MSG departments, several other areas had important developments. Engineering reported on the upcoming Breast Cancer Walk, which will take place on October 26th at Cottonwood Mall. The …

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Captain’s Log, Stardate 20240810.13

Today, the USS White Sands held a regular meeting to discuss our ongoing projects and future plans. While there were no significant updates from the Medical, Sciences, or Tactical/MSG departments, several other areas had important developments. The Communications officer requested that members send any contributions for the newsletter. Engineering reported that adoption certificates are completed. …

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Captain’s Log, Stardate 20240713.13

Today, the USS White Sands held a regular meeting to discuss our ongoing projects and future plans. While there were no significant updates from the Medical or Tactical/MSG departments, several other areas had important developments. The Communications officer mentioned potential difficulties with taking notes for the next meeting. Engineering reported sending the gold seal for …

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Captain’s Log, Stardate 20240608.13

Today, the USS White Sands held a regular meeting to discuss our ongoing projects and future plans. While there were no significant updates from the Medical, Sciences, Tactical/MSG, or Counseling departments, several other areas had important developments. The Communications officer announced plans to provide a draft of the newsletter for revisions and recommendations. Engineering reported …

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Captain’s Log, Stardate 202306.03

Meeting started at approximately 1:00pm Members present: Laurie M; Bernard D; Dee S; Virginia D; Marsha and Earl B; Troy S; David M; Jared F; Woodrow W; Mike D; Gene G; Alan T. Members On Zoom: Josef M; Christine W; Christine P. Meeting adjourned, approximately 2:10 pm.

Captain’s log 20230423

Meeting started at approximately 1:15 pm – accident on northern route to the house, so waiting for everyone to arrive. Members present: Laurie M; Bernard D; Dee S; Virginia D; Marsha and Earl B; Troy and Tyler S; David M; Jared F; Woodrow W. Members On Zoom: Josef M; Christine W; Gene G. Meeting adjourned, …

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Captain’s log 20230325

Meeting started at approximately 1:05 pm Members present: Laurie M; Dee S; Virginia D; Marsha and Earl B; Troy S; David M. Members On Zoom: Christine W; Elene G. Meeting adjourned, approximately 2:00 pm.

Captain’s log 20230225

Meeting started at approximately 1:05 pm Members present: Laurie M; Jared F; Bernard D; Dee S; Virginia and Ben D; Marsha and Earl B; Elene G; Troy S. Members On Google Meet: Josef M; Christine and Wade W; Christine P; John R. Guest: David M Meeting adjourned, approximately 2:20 pm.