
The White Sands will also present its own awards that are certificates only. These awards are local and do not come with any sort of uniform recognition. Additionally, these awards are given out based solely on their criteria; if no one has earned these awards, the awards will not be handed out. Unless the award specifically says that it is only awarded to one member, it may be awarded to all members that meet the criteria. These awards will be presented at the Commissioning Anniversary party, so nominations are due to the XO at least one month before the Commissioning Anniversary party date.

Submit your nominations online here.

Valor and heroism

Humanitarian AwardAwarded to any member who administers humanitarian aid (including first aid) to someone without placing their own life in danger.
Khitomer MedalAwarded to any member wounded seriously enough to require medical attention during a ship function.
Medal of ValorAwarded for heroism at the risk of personal safety. Requires nominations by two members in good standing, one of which must be a member of the Command Staff.

Distinguished service and achievement

Cadet AwardAwarded to one cadet member per year for outstanding service to the ship.
Captain Janeway AwardAwarded to one adult officer per year for outstanding service to the ship.
Captain Kirk AwardAwarded to one adult member per year for outstanding service to the ship.
Chief O’Brien AwardAwarded to one adult enlisted member per year for outstanding service to the ship.
Civilian Achievement AwardAwarded to any civilian member who has made an outstanding contribution to the ship.
Departmental CommendationAwarded by a Department Head to any member of their department who has made a significant contribution. Receipt of this award does not disqualify a member from receiving other awards.
Distinguished ServiceAwarded to any member for distinguished service to the ship. Requires nominations by two members in good standing, one of which must be a member of the Command Staff.
Reserve Corps Service AwardAwarded to any member in reserve, detachment or correspondence status who contributes to the ship in a way deserving of recognition.
Transwarp CommendationAwarded to any member for distinguished service during an away mission. Requires nominations by two members in good standing, one of which must be a member of the Command Staff.

Specific service awards

Ambassadorial Service MedalAwarded to any member who participates in an away mission with another Star Trek-related club. This may be cooperative or competitive and must be done while obviously participating as a crew member of the USS White Sands. Crew members who are also members of the same fan organization are not eligible.
Away Mission AwardAwarded to any member who participates in an away mission with another non-Star Trek-related club. This may be cooperative or competitive and must be done while obviously participating as a crew member of the USS White Sands. Crew members who are also members of the same organization are not eligible.
Civil Service AwardAwarded to any member who participates in community service activities/events outside of regular ship activities.
Crew Excellence Service AwardAwarded to any member who maintains at least a 90% attendance rate for all ship events for one calendar year.
Freighter Service AwardAwarded to any member who provided equipment transportation services during an out of town away mission, such as transporting gear or food items for a ship activity.
Good Samaritan AwardAwarded to any member who participates in a Charity event in the ship’s name.
Public Relations AwardAwarded to any member who served the ship during a convention.
Recruitment MedalAwarded to any member who recruits at least 5 active members to the ship and STARFLEET International.
Shuttle Service AwardAwarded to any member who provides carpooling services to other ship members during an out of town away mission. Family members are not included.

Length of service

1 Year Service CrossAwarded to any member in good standing who has served the ship as a member for one year.
5 Year Service CrossAwarded to any member in good standing who has served the ship as a member for five years.
10 Year Service CrossAwarded to any member in good standing who has served the ship as a member for ten years.

Charter membership recognition

The following awards were only awarded once to recognize the charter members of the USS White Sands.

Charter Member AwardAwarded to all adult crew members of the ship upon Commissioning as an active vessel. Only awarded once.
Cadet Charter Member AwardAwarded to all cadet crew members of the ship upon Commissioning as an active vessel. Only awarded once.