Captain’s Log, Stardate 20241005.13

The USS White Sands convened today for its monthly meeting. Communications requested newsletter submissions from all departments. Engineering, Conn, Tactical, and Counseling reported no new developments. The Medical Officer position became vacant this month. Ops reported their report will be available on the ship’s Facebook page later today. Upcoming events include the Holiday Party/Meeting on November 16th and the Toys for Tots drive from November 29th to December 1st, 1000 to 1500 hours. A possible additional Toys for Tots weekend is being considered for December 7th and 8th; a decision and sign-up opportunity will be posted on Facebook.

Sciences reported no new developments.

Regarding Old Business, two additional tribbles were sold, and the proceeds will be held for a new charity to be determined. Tribbles are still available for those who missed out; remaining stock will be stored until next year. The 501st/Rebel Legion have offered their support for the Toys for Tots drive, and the additional weekend of December 7th and 8th is under consideration. A “Galaxy Quest, Thermian Edition” viewing is tentatively planned for March. The status of the ship’s website (whether it is up-to-date) was also raised.

New Business included discussions of joint activities with the 501st/Rebel Legion, including support for Make-A-Wish, participation in a Trunk or Treat event on October 29th at Garcia Subaru (6401 San Mateo) from 1700 to 1830 hours, a Christmas Party on December 17th (details forthcoming), and participation in the Twinkle Light Parade (details forthcoming). A meet-up at the Snapdragon Tea Room is planned for Saturday, December 7th. Cricket will be collecting a headcount, and details will be posted on Facebook. A reminder was issued regarding membership updates and renewals.

Meeting adjourned at 1330 hours.