Captain’s Log, Stardate 20240608.13

Today, the USS White Sands held a regular meeting to discuss our ongoing projects and future plans. While there were no significant updates from the Medical, Sciences, Tactical/MSG, or Counseling departments, several other areas had important developments.

The Communications officer announced plans to provide a draft of the newsletter for revisions and recommendations. Engineering reported that they would not be selling Tribbles at the Duke City Comic Con. The Conn officer announced a group BBQ in June or July and discussed plans for a private tour of Los Alamos National Lab. Operations provided updates on the upcoming DCCC event, CPR training, and the Star Trek Week at the Cherry Hills Library.

During the Old Business portion of the meeting, we discussed Bubonicon, the database demo, and the IC.

In New Business, we addressed the recent contact from Paramount regarding copyright concerns. They expressed concerns about our use of their font, deltas, and nacelles on our ships. As a result, we may need to discuss options for redesigning our logo and t-shirts.

Finally, we reminded members about the membership update/renewal process.

Overall, the meeting was productive and provided valuable updates on our various projects. We look forward to continuing our work and making a positive impact on our community.