(Approved by vote of the crew on 5/7/2022)
Article I: Introduction
Part 1. The USS White Sands is a chapter of STARFLEET, the International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. (hereafter “SFI”). As such, it is subject to all rules and regulations as set forth by the Constitution, Membership Handbook, and other official documents of the international association. All rules and regulations of SFI shall supersede any rules or regulations found in this document in cases of any discrepancy.
Part 2. Definitions:
Chapter – The smallest division of SFI, a chapter is the local group of SFI members that is organized into a ship. The USS White Sands is a Chapter of SFI.
Chief of the Boat (or “COB”) – The Senior Enlisted member of the USS White Sands. The COB may be a non-SFI member, but then would not have a vote on the Command Staff for any SFI matters. The COB will have the right to vote on any matter that affects only the USS White Sands and shall advise the CS on all other matters as the relate to Enlisted members of the crew.
Commanding Officer (or “CO”) – The president, chief representative, and chief administrator of the USS White Sands.
Command Staff (or “CS”) – The governing body of the USS White Sands. Consists of the Commanding Officer, the Executive Officer, and the Department Heads of the USS White Sands.
Crew – A collective term for the membership of the USS White Sands.
Crewmember – The term for each individual member of the USS White Sands.
Department – A division within the ship that is responsible for certain areas/tasks to keep the ship operating a peak efficiency. The Departments of the USS White Sands shall be: Communications, Engineering, Conn, Medical, Operations, Sciences, Tactical, and Counseling. Additional Departments may be added at a later time as the need arises.
Department Head (or “DH”) – Appointed leader of a given Department. The DH is responsible for representing the members of his/her Department and its sections to the Command Staff, and in that capacity, for setting and implementing policy for the ship.
EC/AB – The governing body of SFI and is comprised of the Executive Committee and the Admiralty Board. This is the leadership of SFI.
Enlisted Members – Individual members of the USS White Sands crew who have not taken SFI’s OTS course. Enlisted crew can be members of SFI or non-members of SFI. All crew who are new to USS White Sands and SFI start as enlisted members.
Executive Officer (or “XO”) – The vice-president of the USS White Sands, and the person ready to stand in any time the CO is unavailable for events or activities.
Rank – Fictitious designations given to each crewmember designed to reflect the accomplishments and service of the member to the USS White Sands and to SFI.
Region – Geographical organizational division within SFI that represents the chapter to STARFLEET Command.
Section – One of several divisions into which the members of the USS White Sands can be divided. Represented to the Command Staff by a Department Head. A section is an organizational unit, but may also serve as a committee for action or directives involving club activities.
STARFLEET, the International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. (or “SFI”) – The International Star Trek Fan Association is the parent organization to the USS White Sands.
STARFLEET Academy (or “SFA”): The educational arm of STARFLEET, offering courses in all sorts of disciplines, the Academy also provides courses that qualify crewmembers for command positions in a chapter.
Article II: Command Structure
Part 1: Commanding Officer (CO):
A) By order of the SFI Membership Handbook, each chapter of SFI shall designate a chapter chairperson, known as the Commanding Officer (CO).
B) Selection of a Commanding Officer: Upon a vacancy in the position or during December of every odd numbered year, the Commanding Officer of the USS White Sands shall be selected by popular vote of the crew. Any qualified member of the crew may submit him/herself as a candidate. The election shall be administered by (in order):
- The outgoing CO, unless unable to do so or if s/he was removed by a vote of no confidence;
- The current XO, unless s/he is running for the position of CO;
- The most senior member of the Command Staff who is not running for the position of CO.
C) Qualifications for Commanding Officer: The qualifications for the position of Commanding Officer (CO) are as set forth by SFI in the Membership Handbook, and modified as follows:
- The CO must be a member of STARFLEET, International;
- The CO must be 21 years of age or older;
- The CO must have taken and passed SFI’s Starfleet Academy Officer Training School and Officer’s Command College courses.
D) Duties of the Commanding Officer:
The Commanding Officer serves as the president of the USS White Sands. The CO is responsible for the administration and supervision of the Chapter. The CO will also represent the Chapter to the Region and to SFI through regular reports as dictated by SFI and the Region, and will represent the Chapter outside of STARFLEET. The CO shall have the authority to make any and all decisions regarding operation of the Chapter or its activities, unless overruled or directed otherwise by the Command Staff or as stated elsewhere in this document or in the regulations of SFI.
E) Votes of Confidence:
In conjunction with the directives of SFI, “the Commanding Officer serves at the pleasure of the members of the local chapter.” To ensure that the CO is complying with this directive:
- There shall be a vote of confidence taken in December every even numbered year by the entire crew. Additionally, any member of the Command Staff can call for a vote of confidence at any time. It is the responsibility of the Department Heads to accurately represent the members of their department in this matter.
- If the vote is against the CO, then a general election will be held, as outlined in Section B above. At this time, the current serving XO will assume the responsibilities of CO until the election can be held.
- If the vote is tied, it will be recorded as a vote of dissatisfaction. In this case, there will be a second vote of confidence taken in two months. If the vote is again tied, there will be a third vote taken in two months. If the third vote is again tied, it will be considered a vote of no confidence and will result in a general election.
F) Protocol for a Vote of Confidence:
- The vote of confidence will be taken by ballot and/or voice vote depending on the desires of the crew at the time of the vote;
- Proxies are permitted for members of the crew who wish to have their vote cast at a vote of confidence, but are otherwise unable to attend the meeting themselves. In order for a proxy designation to be valid, it must be transmitted in writing (electronic or mail) to the XO and the proxy, naming the proxy and the vote that member wishes to cast. Proxies are required to be a member of the Command Staff.
- The CO shall not be present in the room during discussions before and during a vote of confidence in order to allow the crew total freedom to discuss any and all related issues before the vote is taken;
- Each ballot shall include an area for the crew to write down any concerns or problems with the CO and his/her command;
- Ballots will be tallied by the XO, or by another officer appointed by the XO in the case that the XO is unable to carry out this duty. The tally will be written down, but all that is required is a simple notation of the number of votes for retention of the current CO and the number of votes against;
- The member appointed the duty of tallying the votes will be responsible for communicating any concerns and/or problems expressed during the vote.
- The CO will be informed of the results of the vote once the ballots have been evaluated by the officer appointed to do so.
- The CO is not to see the original ballots so that the crew may cast their votes without fear of retaliation. The CO is permitted to see the tally generated by the XO or the officer who counted the votes.
G) Commanding Officer’s Term of Service
The CO will serve for a term of two years, at the pleasure of the crew. During December of every odd-numbered year, there shall be a general election held. Any member in good standing (including the current CO), who meets the qualifications for the position of CO may submit him/herself as a candidate. The Commanding Officer’s term shall begin on the first day of each even-numbered year and end on the last day of each odd-numbered year.
Part 2: Executive Officer (XO):
A) The Executive Officer serves as the Vice-President of the USS White Sands, and has all rights, privileges, and responsibilities of the CO under either of the following conditions:
- If the CO is unable to perform the duties of his/her office, for whatever reason.
- If the CO asks the XO to act in his/her place for whatever reason.
B) Qualifications for Executive Officer (XO):
The qualifications for the position of Executive Officer (XO) are set forth by SFI in the Membership Handbook and this document for the position of Commanding Officer.
C) Selection of the Executive Officer:
Upon a vacancy in the position, or during December of every odd numbered year, the Executive Officer of the USS White Sands shall be selected by the means of a popular vote. Any qualified member of the crew may submit him/herself as a candidate. The election shall be administered by (in order):
- The outgoing CO, unless unable to do so or if s/he was removed by a vote of no confidence;
- The current XO, unless s/he is running for the position of XO;
- The most senior member of the Command Staff who is not running for the position of XO.
D) The Executive Officer serves at the pleasure of the members of the crew. To ensure that the XO complies with this directive:
- There shall be a vote of confidence taken in December every even numbered year by the entire crew. Additionally, any member of the Command Staff can call for a vote of confidence at any time. It is the responsibility of the Department Heads to accurately represent the members of their department in this matter.
- If the vote is against the XO, then a general election will be held, as outlined in Section C above. At this time, the current serving CO will appoint an XO until the election can be held.
- If the vote is tied, it will be recorded as a vote of dissatisfaction. In this case, there will be a second vote of confidence taken in two months. If the vote is again tied, there will be a third vote taken in two months. If the third vote is again tied, it will be considered a vote of no confidence and will result in a general election.
E) Protocol for a Vote of Confidence:
- The vote of confidence will be taken by ballot and/or voice vote depending on the desires of the crew at the time of the vote;
- Proxies are permitted for members of the crew who wish to have their vote cast at a vote of confidence, but are otherwise unable to attend the meeting themselves. In order for a proxy designation to be valid, it must be transmitted in writing (electronic or mail) to the CO and the proxy, naming the proxy and the vote that member wishes to cast. Proxies are required to be a member of the Command Staff.
- The XO shall not be present in the room during discussions before and during a vote of confidence in order to allow the crew total freedom to discuss any and all related issues before the vote is taken;
- Each ballot shall include an area for the crew to write down any concerns or problems with the XO and his/her command;
- Ballots will be tallied by the CO, or by another officer appointed by the CO in the case that the CO is unable to carry out this duty. The tally will be written down, but all that is required is a simply notation of the number of votes for retention of the current XO and the number of votes against;
- The member appointed the duty of tallying the votes will be responsible for communicating any concerns and/or problems expressed during the vote.
- The XO will be informed of the results of the vote once the ballots have been evaluated by the officer appointed to do so.
- The XO is not to see the original ballots so that the crew may cast their votes without fear of retaliation. The XO is permitted to see the tally generated by the CO or the officer who counted the votes.
F) Executive Officer’s Term of Service
The XO will serve for a term of two years, at the pleasure of the crew. During December of every odd-numbered year, there shall be a general election held. Any member in good standing (including the current XO), who meets the qualifications for the position of XO may submit him/herself as a candidate. The Executive Officer’s term shall begin on the first day of each even-numbered year and end on the last day of each odd-numbered year.
Part 3: Department Heads:
A) The crew shall be divided into “Departments,” each with a Department Head. Department Heads are appointed by the CO and confirmed by the Command Staff, as long as the Department Heads are willing and able to serve. Initial Departments and the responsibilities of their Department Heads for the USS White Sands are as follows:
- Communications – Primary Admin of Facebook page, maintain webpage, takes meeting notes
- Engineering – creating/maintaining props (ship symbols)
- Conn – driver for events/activities
- Medical – ensures the ship follows all current health and safety protocols. In charge of SFI medical programs (fitness challenges, etc.) Organizes CPR training.
- Operations – Primary organizer for charitable events, in coordination with CO/XO
- Sciences – Primary organizer of away missions (activities and events), in coordination with CO/XO
- Tactical – liaison to SFMC and/or MACO; in charge of Marine Strike Group
- Counselor – Chief recruiting officer; in charge of searching out and welcoming new members
- Chief of the Boat – helps wrangle the crew on away missions; helps maintain good order on the ship
B) Department Heads shall take office on January 1st of each even numbered year, after approval by a majority vote of the Command Staff. Department Heads serve for the same two-year term as the CO who nominated them.
C) Department Heads may be removed during their term by a majority vote of the Command Staff (provided that 60% of the CS is present to cast their votes).
D) The Department Heads shall act as the representative of the members of in their Departments to the Command Staff, and shall make regular reports regarding the activities and concerns of their Departments to the XO as needed.
E) All Department Heads shall be Commissioned Officers (graduates of SFA’s Officer Training Course), or become commissioned within 60 days of their appointment to the position, with the exception of the Chief of the Boat, who must be an enlisted member.
F) Department Heads may appoint Section Chiefs to head up various sections within their Departments as created by the Command Staff.
G) Department Heads may recommend that Sections within their Departments be created or removed as the need arises. This shall be accomplished by a majority vote of the Command Staff.
H) Additional Departments may be created by majority vote of the Command Staff at any time.
Part 4: Command Staff:
A) The Command Staff shall be the governing body of the USS White Sands. It shall consist of the Commanding Officer, the Executive Officer, and the Department Heads of the USS White Sands.
B) In all matters requiring a Command Staff vote, Department Heads shall represent the members of their Department with one vote. The CO shall not have a vote except in case of a tie vote, in which case the CO will cast the tiebreaking vote. The Chief of the Boat shall have a vote only on matters pertaining solely to the USS White Sands, in any matter involving SFI, COB shall act only in an advisory capacity to the CS on the needs of the enlisted members of the crew.
- At least 60% of the current CS must be present at any vote of the CS for the vote to be valid, unless the vote is to confirm the new CS appointed after the biennial election.
- Members of the CS may attend via electronic means if necessary and technologically possible.
Article III: Membership
Part 1: In accordance with the guidelines established by SFI, the membership, or “crew” of the USS White Sands shall consist of any individual wishing to:
A) Participate in the activities of the USS White Sands and/or;
B) Pay the annual dues, if any, as set forth by the Command Staff.
Part 2: Each member assigned to the USS White Sands shall be assigned to a “Department” of the crewmember’s choice, with input from the CO and the Department Head involved.
Part 3: Each member of the USS White Sands may hold a fictional “rank,” which is designed to represent the member’s experience in and contribution to the USS White Sands and SFI. In accordance with the regulations of SFI, and rank above that of Commander/Lieutenant Colonel may only be bestowed by the authority of STARFLEET Command Leadership. Ranks up to and including Commander/Lieutenant Colonel shall be granted by the CS of the USS White Sands as explained more thoroughly in the Ship’s Handbook. The following additional criteria shall apply to members of the USS White Sands’ crew:
A) Those members of the crew who, for whatever reason, choose not to become members of SFI shall still be permitted to participate in local chapter activities, and may hold any enlisted rank awarded by the USS White Sands. These individuals (and all other enlisted personnel) shall be represented to the CS by the COB. The COB shall have full voting authority in all members pertaining to the ship’s local operations, but shall have only advisory authority in matters pertaining to SFI.
B) Those members of the crew who do not become SFI members shall be permitted to continue to advance in rank through the position of Chief Warrant Officer 4.
C) Rank only indicates a member’s time in service to the ship and STARFLEET; in and of itself, rank is fictious and carries no actual authority. No member of the crew is to “give orders” to another member of the crew; all activities on board the ship are voluntary.
Part 4: Expulsion from, and reinstatement to, the crew of the USS White Sands:
A) Any member of the USS White Sands may be removed by the CS for any reason, provided the protocol set forth below is followed:
- Expulsion may only take place after a CS meeting with at least 60% of the current CS present for the meeting. At least 2/3 of the CS present must vote to expel the member for the vote to be effective. Any approved expulsion takes effect immediately.
- Any person expelled, or who resigns from the USS White Sands and wishes to return to the ship, will be required to meet with the CS (at least 60% of the CS must be present) and petition for reinstatement, which will require the approval of a 2/3 majority of the CS present for the meeting.
Article IV: Procedure for changing USS White Sands Starship Regulations (By-Laws)
Part 1: Any member of the USS White Sands may propose changes or amendments to this document by submitting proposed changes, in writing, to his/her Department Head, the XO, and/or the CO.
Part 2: The CS shall vote on the proposal at a CS Meeting. This vote shall take place after ample publication and consideration of the proposal to all members of the crew. This time shall be determined by the CO, but it shall be no less than one month after the proposal is first published or submitted to the entire crew for review. A majority vote of all members of the CS is required to make any change or amendment effective. It is the responsibility of each Department Head to accurately represent the members of his/her Department in this matter. The CO will cast a vote only if his/her vote is required to break a tie.
Article V: Financial Operations:
Part 1: No club funds shall be spent by any member of the club, including the CO, without the approval of a majority vote of the CS.
A) Any dues set by the CS and assessed/collected from the crew are defined as club funds.
B) If club funds are assessed/collected, the CO will open a bank account specifically for club funds as required by SFI regulations.
C) Funds collected for specific activities (one member buys tickets to an event for all attending members, for example) do not require the opening of a bank account due to their temporary nature.
Part 2: The approval of the CO and at least one other member of the CS shall be required for any withdrawal of club funds from the club’s account. The CO must maintain accurate accounting of the funds collected and allow any member of the crew to see that record and count the funds on hand at any time.
Part 3: The Command Staff must verify all expenditures of club funds.
Part 4: The Command Staff may set a local dues amount which will be required to be paid by all members of the USS White Sands. The membership fee shall be reasonable in amount and shall be used to help serve the needs of the chapter membership. This fee will be assessed by the CO and the rest of the CS and is a precondition for remaining a member in good standing of the USS White Sands.
A) The CS of the USS White Sands may vote to exempt an individual member from the requirement of paying local dues in extenuating circumstances.
B) The member must give an explanation of his/her current financial situation to the CS in writing. The CS will then take a vote with at least 60% of the current CS present for the meeting. At least 2/3 of the CS present must vote to exempt the member from dues for the exemption to pass.
Part 5: Any event organized and conducted by any member of the crew, on behalf of the USS White Sands (as mentioned in Part 1, C above) are specifically excluded from club funds and are not subject to the provisions of this Article.
A) Any donations solicited by the event host/organizer are considered to be donations to that person in order to offset the costs associated with the event. The host/organizer is required to maintain an accounting of donations and expenditures as well as the receipts for all expenses. The accounting and receipts are to be turned over to the CO for an audit and proper filing in the ship’s record keeping system within two (2) weeks of the event.
B) Donations solicited during the event must be clearly identified as to their purpose (such as, restocking of consumable supplies, etc.).
C) Supplies and consumables donated, purchased, or used for, at, or from any of the events designated under this part are also designated as personal, not club, property and not subject to any provisions regarding club assets.
Article VI: General Orders:
The following General Orders are statements of policy held by the USS White Sands. These orders carry the weight of all other regulations, orders, and directives contained within this document.
General Order #1: The Prime Directive
The primary mission of the USS White Sands is for its crewmembers to have fun. It is the responsibility of the CS to ensure that activities and the environment they are held in, allow all participating members to have fun.
General Order #2: Open Door Policy
While the members of the USS White Sands are encouraged to use the chain of command, the CO and XO shall, at all practical times, be available to the members of the crew to answer questions, resolve disputes, or otherwise assist members as needed.
General Order #3: Non-Discrimination Policy
It is the policy of STARFLEET and the USS White Sands not to discriminate against any being on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or planet of origin.
General Order #4: Respect for Each Other
Please respect everyone else’s fandom. Just because we all like Star Trek doesn’t mean each member loves the same series and it also doesn’t mean that someone else is wrong for disliking a series that another member loves. The same goes for all fandom material; an individual member doesn’t have to like everything that the rest of the crew does, but under no circumstances is it okay to make someone else feel bad because of what they like or dislike. Constructive discussions about why someone likes/dislikes certain material are great, but just telling someone that a material is bad, stupid, etc., is not constructive. It harms no one to hear why someone else is passionate for a particular sci fi/fantasy genre that another member may not like.
General Order #5: Respect for Actual Authority
This ship will follow and respect the laws and ordinances of all states, pueblos, counties, cities, and other jurisdictions that our members may enter. That includes all health and safety protocols instituted by any level of government. We also will respect the rules and regulations of all businesses and other locations that we enter.
General Order #6: Applicability
Every member of the crew is subject to these policies. If a member of the Command Staff is violating them, please bring it to the direct attention of the CO or XO. If the XO or CO is the violator, bring it to the attention of the other senior officer. All complaints of this nature are to be taken seriously and problems with leadership will be addressed, if necessary, by Regional Leadership.